The College of Engineering Khwarizmi, Department of Mechatronics Engineering at the University of Baghdad, organized a scientific lecture entitled (Success Story) within the activities of the Global Entrepreneurship Week and in the presence of an elite from the college and students of the department. It aimed to introduce in general the Department of Mechatronics Engineering and its general specializations. The obstacles experienced by engineers in their academic careers, from students to assistant engineers in the department, were clarified, and the most important solutions, tips, and correct and tried methods were discussed.

The Department of Information and Communication Engineering organized a scientific symposium entitled (The Importance of the Information and Communication Engineer in Society), where the symposium opened with a lecture from Dr. Heba Mohamed Fadel who highlighted the role and importance of information and communication in serving the community and the development of daily life. The lecture of the first graduate, Eng. Amir Mounir, on “Preparing Information and Communication Engineers for Excellence in the Labor Market: Necessary Tools and Skills” was a valuable investment for the students of the department. The graduate presented his experiences and advice to achieve excellence in the competitive labor market. The symposium continued with Eng. Zahraa Mohammed’s lecture entitled “Success Suit: From College Corridors to Excellence Peaks”. The engineer shared her personal experience in overcoming challenges and achieving success in the field of engineering and communications.

The seminar concluded with honoring the lecturers and guests with shields of appreciation and honoring them for their outstanding efforts and valuable contributions to promoting education and excellence in the Department of Information and Communication Engineering. This event is an important step towards raising awareness of the importance of the sector and encouraging students to achieve success in the field of information and communication engineering.


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