The Al-Khwarizmi College of Engineering at the University of Baghdad participated in the Business and Handicrafts Exhibition as part of the Global Entrepreneurship Week., under the supervision of the Director of the Center for Educational and Psychological Research Director, Dr. Fadel Shaker Al-Saadi, the center organized the exhibition showcasing businesses and handmade crafts.

Al-Khwarizmi College of Engineering, represented by the Biomedical Engineering Department, actively participated in the exhibition. A group of department professors, including Dr. Ayden Kamal Mohammed, Dr. Yusra, Assist.Prof.Khulood Askander, and Assist.Lecturer.Raqiya Mohammed Obeid, along with a selection of students from the fourth and third stages of the Biomedical Engineering Department, showcased their handmade works. These included candle making, knitting, glass painting, and accessory crafting. The activity aimed to provide moral and psychological support to individuals with artistic talents by showcasing and marketing their works.

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