The College of Dentistry at the University of Baghdad organized a number of workshops and scientific seminars on the occasion of Global Entrepreneurship Week in the presence of a number of college members Where a scientific symposium was organized entitled: The effect of the inner peel of orange on teeth whitening delivered by Dr. Fadia Abdel Mohsen Mohamed. The symposium aimed to introduce the meaning of teeth whitening. The symposium included axes in which the causes of tooth color change were addressed, the most important methods used in teeth whitening.

The symposium recommended the need to follow a healthy diet to reduce tooth color change, such as reducing the intake of coffee, tea, and industrial juices, and recommended the need to follow a schedule to detect any damage to the teeth and treat it directly.

It also organized a scientific symposium entitled “Laser Applications in Dentistry” by Dr. Ali Hamid Abdel Hadi from the University of Technology. The workshop aimed to identify the uses of lasers in dentistry, and the workshop included types of lasers for dentistry, methods of using lasers in dentistry, and the most important requirements for working on laser devices. The workshop recommended the need to use laser devices in university clinics and private clinics in health centers and hospitals, as well as holding workshops and seminars for optimal education in the use of lasers in dentistry.


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