The College of Education for Girls witnessed the public discussion of the master’s student (Lina Khaled Abdel Karim) from the English Department about her tagged thesis (Verification in Deliberative Indicators in Selected American and British Sniper Films).

This study explored the types, features, and functions of deliberative indicators pronounced by the characters. The importance of the study lies in the researcher’s attempt to understand the ambiguity and how the personality of American and British snipers manipulates the deliberative indicators to reflect their personality.

The study reached a set of recommendations, the most important of which is that civil activists need to pay attention to these deliberative indicators, manage them, and how to use them in their spoken or written contexts so that they can benefit from analyzing these tools and convincing the recipient of their views.

The researcher recommended studying other types of speeches of prime ministers represented in political discourse, as well as introducing the deliberative indicators and linguists in general and the rhetorical tools within them, and special attention must be paid to the analysis of literary texts using deliberative indicators because of their important role in clarifying the hidden meaning behind the word speech, especially the language of politicians.

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