The Center for Urban and Regional Planning for Graduate Studies at the University of Baghdad discussed the master’s thesis tagged (Evaluation of sustainability standards in investment housing projects), for student Marwa Taher Youssef, and the supervision of Prof. Dr. Jamal Baqir Mutlaq.

The research aimed to identify a set of criteria and indicators to assess sustainability, and to provide a vision on the reality of the situation of investment residential complexes in the city of Najaf, after selecting two residential complexes: Al-Ghadeer Village Complex and Princess Complex.

The researcher recommended the importance of obliging the companies implementing residential investment projects to implement all uses in the residential area as planned and approved, and the need to provide infrastructure for public transportation before the implementation of residential projects, in addition to providing an effective security system for entry and exit from the residential complex with an adequate lighting system in all public areas, corridors and parking lots.


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