The Department of Physics, in cooperation with the Continuing Education Unit, held a scientific lecture entitled “How to write research in a scientific style.” The lecture aimed to introduce the steps of scientific research, writing it, publishing it in scientific journals, and choosing the appropriate journal within a scientific methodology and a way that leads to revealing the truth in various sciences, especially in physical disciplines.

The lecture, presented by Dr. Thaer Mohsen, included a gesture to highlight the steps of scientific research, starting from identifying the problem, collecting information, setting the goal, designing and implementing the experiment, obtaining results, writing and publishing by emphasizing the basic elements of distinctive writing that increase the chance of accepting research for publication in highly rated international journals by identifying and adapting to scientific articles, choosing the appropriate journal direction for scientific research, preparing the article according to the selected journal, reading the article by others, and sending the article for publication and last review for the article to make the research ready for publication.

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