The College of Arts at the University of Baghdad in cooperation with the College of Arts at Al-Mustansiriya and Iraqi University, Chiba University of Japan, the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), and other Japanese associations, and the presence of the Rector of the University of Baghdad, Prof. Dr. Munir Hamid Al-Saadi, the Japanese Ambassador to Iraq, Futoshi Matsumoto, Prof. Dr. Ali Abdul Amir Sajit, Dean of the College of Arts at the University of Baghdad, and a number of deans of colleges, teachers and students.

The workshop aimed to strengthen scientific and cultural relations between Iraqi universities and Japanese universities to exchange experiences between the two sides, as the workshop discussed a set of research papers in different disciplines for Iraqi and Japanese researchers to discuss specialized topics in history and economic and cultural development. In his speech, Al-Saadi also stressed the need for academic rapprochement between Iraqi and Japanese universities to exchange scientific and academic experiences to enhance the capabilities of Iraqi researchers in the field of scientific research.

This workshop comes within the directions of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and the University of Baghdad to open up scientifically to international universities to develop the capabilities of researchers and strengthen the structure of scientific research to raise the classification of Iraqi universities in international containers.


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