The College of Engineering Khwarizmi at the University of Baghdad organized a series of activities of the International Week of Entrepreneurial Works for the second day at the College of Engineering Al-Khwarizmi, to build an advanced technological base that keeps pace with the times.

In this context, the Department of Mechatronics Engineering organized a scientific symposium entitled “The Importance of the Outputs of the Department of Mechatronics Engineering in the Construction and Development of the Country”. Which was attended by a number of the department’s teachers in addition to students, which was delivered by Dr. Maher Yahya Salloum.

During the seminar, Dr. Maher clarified that some of the mechatronics engineer’s work is the development and modernization of industrial machinery, the processing of control systems and the automation of production processes, and the manufacture and development of robots and their programming as well as supervising laboratories and production lines, maintaining production lines, finding solutions to engineering problems, applying artificial intelligence techniques, and many other engineering works. The Department of Biomedical Engineering also organized a seminar entitled (Introducing the importance of the medical engineer in hospitals) in which the lecturer, Dr. Nibras Hussein Ghaeb, addressed in this symposium the most important work sites that can be occupied by the medical engineer and then explained the real roles that the medical engineer can play in hospitals.

In conclusion, the symposium came out with a set of messages in which Dr. Nibras first addressed the professors, then went to the category of graduates and the need to communicate with them to transfer experience, expertise, and needs, and finally explained the importance of heading to real partnerships with the labor market through university doctors.

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