The College of Education for Women, Department of Educational and Psychological Sciences, organized a panel discussion titled “Entrepreneurship: From Idea to Success” on the occasion of Global Entrepreneurship Week. The discussion was attended by a select group of professors, staff, and students of the college.

The panel discussion aimed to provide a knowledge base about entrepreneurship, its concepts, and introduce the fundamental skills of entrepreneurship. It also focused on the role of the university in supporting entrepreneurial education and enhancing the role of women in entrepreneurship.

The panel discussion resulted in a set of recommendations, including the enhancement of teamwork values among female students and the encouragement of a spirit of competition that reflects their capabilities, talents, and natural inclinations. It also urged students to engage in collaborative research, form groups for cooperation and knowledge exchange, and support individual initiatives and projects that create employment opportunities aligning with local market needs. Additionally, it emphasized providing moral and financial support from the department and college for individual initiatives presented by female students.


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