فعاليات المركز الوطني الريادي لبحوث السرطان ضمن الاسبوع العالمي لريادة الاعمال 2023/11/19-13 - 1

The National Entrepreneurship Center for Cancer Research at the University of Baghdad celebrated a week full of inspiration and innovation, as it participated in the activities of Global Entrepreneurship Week.

This pioneering event aimed to promote the spirit of entrepreneurship and encourage creative thinking in the field of cancer research through the establishment of activities and these events reflect the Center’s commitment to promoting excellence and creativity in the field of cancer, as it seeks to provide a supportive environment for researchers and innovators.

The events also provide an opportunity for participants to build new networks and exchange ideas with experienced cancer research professionals. These events are a unique opportunity for participants to broaden their horizons and stimulate innovation and entrepreneurship in order to achieve greater progress in the field of cancer.


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