The Continuous Education Center at the University of Baghdad organized a series of workshops and training symposiums as part of the Entrepreneurship Week program. The center conducted a workshop titled “The Integrative Relationship Between Entrepreneurship and Economic Feasibility Study,” delivered by Dr. Ows Mahmoud Mohamed.

The workshop aimed to highlight the importance of conducting feasibility studies for projects, as any successful project must be preceded by multiple stages. One crucial stage is preparing the feasibility study, which serves as the foundation for any project, marking the starting point for entrepreneurial ventures in business. Additionally, the center organized a course titled “Google Scholar & Research Gate,” aiming to familiarize professors and educators in educational institutions with the significance of participating in the scientific researcher’s platform. It covered how to benefit from the research and articles of specialized professors in various fields, emphasizing the importance of obtaining a balance in the H-Index indicator. This contributes to enhancing the reputation of both the university and the country in terms of productivity and scientific accuracy.

The center organized a workshop titled “Entrepreneurship: Concept and Significance” as part of the celebration of Global Entrepreneurship Week. This event is part of the university’s efforts to raise awareness about the importance of entrepreneurship, encouraging students and enthusiasts to develop their skills in this crucial field.

The workshop witnessed active participation by students and faculty, with interactive lectures and dialogue sessions highlighting different aspects of entrepreneurship, from basic concepts to the importance of developing new projects and innovations in society. Opportunities for interaction and intellectual exchange formed an essential part of the workshop, as participants exchanged their ideas and opinions on how to enhance the spirit of innovation and leadership in the university community. ​

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