The Department of Educational and Psychological Sciences held a panel discussion tagged: (Leadership …… From Idea to Success), on Monday morning, 13/11/2023, at ten in the morning in the discussion hall, on the occasion of the Global Entrepreneurship Week, attended by a group of professors, employees, and college students, and lectured by a group of professors of the Department of Educational and Psychological Sciences.

The scientific seminar aimed to provide a database on entrepreneurship and its concepts, introduce the basic skills of entrepreneurship, and the university’s role in supporting entrepreneurial education and enhancing the role of women in entrepreneurship.

The seminar reached a set of recommendations, the most important of which is to promote the values of teamwork among students, encourage the spirit of competition to reflect the abilities, talents, and natural tendencies, encourage students to conduct joint research, form groups for cooperation, exchange experiences, encourage individual actions and initiatives that create job opportunities for students commensurate with the needs of the local market, provide moral and material support from the department and college for individual initiatives submitted by students.


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