The University of Baghdad and the University of Sharjah collaborated to sign a Memorandum of Understanding, in presence of the Rector of University of Baghdad, Prof.Dr.Munir Al-saadi, and the President of the University of Sharjah, Prof.Dr. Hamid Al Nuaimi.

The collaboration entails exchanging educational experiences in both undergraduate and postgraduate. Additionally, it involves jointly undertaking projects, studying topics of mutual interest such as regional challenges like water scarcity, climate change, and research in the field of energy. There is also an agreement to elevate the scientific output of both parties through building scientific partnerships, co-supervising students, exchanging faculty, hosting students, and participating in examination committees.

This MOU was signed during the inaugural Arab Universities Twinning Forum, organized by the Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization (ALECSO) at its headquarters in Tunisia. The event facilitated the exchange of information and experiences, fostering discussions on ways to enhance collaboration among several Arab universities, attended by university presidents and academic figures.

The university’s participating in this significant event underscores its dedication to enhancing collaboration with numerous Arab universities. It includes the launch of a dual twinning program with other universities, aimed at strengthening academic research cooperation which is serve to both the educational process and our country.


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