The Rector of the University of Baghdad, Prof. Dr. Munir Hamid Al-Saadi, attended the activities of the fifth session of the Arab Chemistry Week held at the College of Science at the University of Baghdad, in the presence of Dr. Raed Faleh Hassan, Dean of the College of Science, Dr. Omar Faleh Hassan, Director of the Department of Quality Assurance and University Performance, and a number of teachers and students.

The aim of the scientific forum, which is dedicated to be held annually by the College of Science, is to remind students and the public and educate them about the vitality of chemistry as it is not just a rigid science taught in classrooms and laboratories of schools and universities, but rather an essential pillar of life and its sustainability in the fields of this specialization.

The Rector of the University of Baghdad, Prof. Dr. Munir Hamid Al-Saadi, said in a speech addressed to the celebrating chemists (We congratulate you on the celebration of your specialization, which is one of the important disciplines in various aspects of public life and the fields of medicine, industry, agriculture and others, and we commend the activity of the department and its activities that contribute to the advancement of the College of Science and keep pace with the modernity of its curricula and various scientific events, and we praise the hands of the department’s teachers, researchers and students for what they present and innovate in their Arab Chemical Week).

Al-Saadi also congratulated all affiliates for the University of Baghdad obtaining the first rank locally and advanced ranks globally in the QS World Ranking, as well as some of the university’s formations, obtaining the first rank locally and advanced ranks globally in the Shanghai classification.

It is noteworthy that the Arab Week of Chemistry was launched at the meeting of the thirty-fourth session of the Supreme Council of the Union of Arab Chemists in 2015 after the Council decided that the last week of October of each year is the Arab Week of Chemistry and is keen to be held annually by the College of Science at the University of Baghdad.

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