Prof. Dr. Munir Hamid Al-Saadi, Rector of the University of Baghdad, conducted an inspection tour in the corridors of the College of Engineering at the university to see the educational and service reality in it. The tour included a visit to the Department of Energy Engineering at the College of Engineering. Assistant Professor Dr. Nibal Fadel, Head of the Department of Energy Engineering, and a number of college teachers received him.

The meeting discussed the efforts to develop the department and develop a doctoral program in it. In addition to benefiting from the agreements that have been recently signed with a number of Arab and international universities, Al-Saadi also stressed the need to develop a long-term strategic study to develop the department, and the importance of benefiting from the digital container at the University of Baghdad, which was established by the efforts of the university’s affiliates, which distinguishes the University Of Baghdad from the rest of the universities, and Al-Saadi proposed the establishment of research centers specialized in energy studies, and benefit from the experiences of universities with which agreements have been concluded in this field.

This inspection visit comes within the directions of the University of Baghdad to develop its scientific departments and benefit from the experiences of international universities to develop academic work to serve the educational process and our country Iraq.


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