The Department of Quality Assurance and University Performance at the University of Baghdad held a workshop on evaluating the university performance of employees and teachers for the year 2022-2023, in the presence of Assistant Professor Dr. Omar Faleh Hassan, Director of the Department of Quality Assurance and University Performance at the University of Baghdad, a number of people’s officials, quality assurance units, performance evaluation, and liaison members in the university formations.

During the workshop, a number of topics of interest to performance evaluation were discussed, and the notifications received from the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research regarding field visits to the ministerial teams were clarified, as well as weaknesses that need to be addressed in the previous academic year and performance evaluation of new recruits were discussed.

Notably, the University of Baghdad is one of the first universities to complete performance evaluations on time, which leads to increasing the efficiency and possibility of staff and teachers, reflected in the quality level at the university.

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