As part of the collaborative international cooperation sought by the Presidency of the University of Baghdad, the French delegation, represented by Mrs. Christine Courgeau, the Educational and International Cooperation Attaché at the French Embassy in Baghdad, visited the Central Library building at Bab al-Mu’azzam.

The delegation was received by Prof.Dr. Marwan Abdul Hamid Ashour, Assistant Rector for Scientific Affairs, accompanied by Assist.Prof.Dr. Ali Adnan Mashhush, Assist.Prof.Dr. Jafar Abdul Zahra, Head of the French Language Department, and Dr. Inas Khalifa Al-Sharji, Head of the Department of Cultural Relations at the Presidency of the University of Baghdad, and the official from the Central Library.

During the meeting, discussions were held regarding the opening of the French Corner in the Central Library building, underscoring the significant of encouraging students to visit and make use of this designated space. In turn, Prof.Dr. Marwan in his word, expressed the importance of the French language and the necessity for students to actively engage with it. He emphasized that our esteemed University always keeps its doors open to everyone, aiming to enhance the students’ academic proficiency.

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