The lecturer at the University of Baghdad, College of Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Prof. Dr. Abdullah Dayeh Assi, participated in the first exhibition of patents and industrial models held under the auspices of the National University of Science and Technology in DhiQar and scientific sponsorship from the IEEE Foundation Iraq Branch and organized by the French International Center for Scientists and Inventors, Iraq Branch.

Prof. Dr. Abdullah Dayeh received the Medal of Participation for the patent submitted by him entitled (Development of an electric elevator based on tanks and weights). The new idea in this patent is to dispense with the main electric motor through the use of compressors, compressed air tanks, and flexible plastic pipes. When the cab wants to climb to the top or descend to the bottom, the compressors work to compress or discharge air to or from the tanks, so the cab becomes heavier or lighter than the weight of the balance load and due to the force of gravity, the balance load descends and the cabin ascends or vice versa, as well as the tank can be dispensed with in the formation of the balance load and pump Air and put instead of their weight or weight of (5 to 10%) of the weight of the cabin

This invention aims to increase the economy of the applicable elevators and reduce energy use and increase the rapid response in the process of moving from top to bottom and vice versa and a set of theoretical and practical tests were conducted for this invention and the results were very good.


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