The College of Islamic Sciences at the University of Baghdad hosted the activities of the Great Prophet Cultural Week in cooperation with the Department of Intellectual and Cultural Affairs at the Great Prophet House at the Abbasid Holy Shrine, and under the auspices of the Rector of the University of Baghdad, Prof. Dr. Munir Hamid Al-Saadi, and in the presence of the Dean of the College of Islamic Sciences, Dr. Nima Dahsh Farhan.

The cultural event was held under the slogan (We have not sent you except as a mercy to the worlds) to celebrate the birth of the pride of beings and the master of the world’s Muhammad, may God bless him and his good family, to follow the morals of the Prophet and highlight the biography of the Prophet, as no such great personality has appeared throughout history that was embodied in a man who made extensive changes in human history.

It is worth mentioning that this activity was held at the University of Baghdad as it is considered the focus of attention of writers and researchers who take it upon themselves to defend the greatest prophet and spread his morals and emulate them among students.

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