The students from the Italian Language Department at the College of Languages, University of Baghdad, have successfully completed the second month of their Italian language and culture course at the University for Foreigners in Perugia, Italy.

These students quickly adapted and integrated effectively into the classrooms and various academic areas of the university. They relied on the foundational education they received in the Italian Language Department at the College of Languages, University of Baghdad, which enabled them to grasp the academic material available to them in Italy.

The Italian fellowship recipients from the Italian Language Department are currently in the process of finishing their third and final month at the University for Foreigners in Perugia. They are preparing for their final examination at the end of this month. Afterward, they will return to Baghdad and continue their studies at the fourth stage. This year, the second-stage students have completed their exams, and four of them have been nominated to continue their studies next year after completing the third stage at the same university in the city of Perugia.

The University of Perugia holds a prestigious position as one of the most significant international universities for teaching the Italian language. Italy officially refers to it as “Italy’s ambassador to the world” due to its substantial contribution to the dissemination of Italian language and culture.

It is worth noting, this activity is in line with the following Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): SDG 4: Quality education – The students are receiving high-quality education in the Italian language and culture, which will empower them to excel in their studies and careers. SDG 8: Decent work and economic growth – Upon completing their studies, the students will have the ability to secure decent employment and contribute to Iraq’s economic growth. SDG 10: Reduced inequalities – This program provides an opportunity for students from various regions of Iraq to gain knowledge about Italian language and culture, contributing to a reduction in inequalities within the country. SDG 17: Partnerships for the goals – The University of Baghdad is collaborating with the University for Foreigners of Perugia (Università per Stranieri di Perugia) and the Italian embassy in Iraq to facilitate and support this initiative.

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