The Media Directorate of the Popular Mobilization Authority jointly with the Division of Women’s Empowerment at the University of Baghdad held a Symposium on the role of Universities in supporting Popular Mobilization Forces at the College of Political Sciences. Attendees included Undersecretary of the Minister of Higher Education for Scientific Affairs, Prof. Dr. Haidar Abd Dhahad , Assistant Chief of Staff of the Popular Mobilization Authority, Mr. Hussein Yasser Al-Issawi, and the Rector of the University of Baghdad, Prof.Dr. Munir Al-Saadi;in addition to Presidents of Al-Mustansiriya Universities and Technology and a number of deans of colleges.

In his keynote speech, Prof. Dr. Haidar Abd Dhahad, lauding the honorable role played by the Iraqi universities with their staffs in supporting the Popular Mobilization after the handed down a blessed fatwa on competent jihad.

In turn, Al-Issawi, expressed the efforts exerted in the success of this symposium and He listened to the proposals of the deans and the attendees that enhance permanent cooperation to continue supporting the Popular Mobilization Authority.

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