The Rector of the University of Baghdad has welcomed a high level delegation from the Islamic Republic of Iran, led by the Iranian cultural attaché in Iraq, Director of the Scholarships and Cultural Relations Department, and a number of general managers and agents. The meeting was attended by the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research for Scientific Affairs, Dr. Haider Abd Dhahd, the Director of the Department of Quality Assurance and Academic Performance, Assist.Prof.Dr. Omar Faleh Hassan, and top University leaders in Iraq.

The ground-breaking meeting discussed several hubs on issues of cooperation and joint training between Iranian and Iraqi universities, exchanging of experiences in the scientific field and joint research with accredited Iranian universities. It was agreed to set an executive program for future cooperation between the two countries. In turn, Prof.Dr.Munir Al-Saadi, confirmed  “Iraq and Iran need more cultural cooperation by virtue of their geographical proximity, where they can form research teams, exchange professors, visiting professor programs, and activate joint scientific committees, especially with the University of Baghdad which has successful cultural exchange programs with a number of universities in the world.”

At the end of the visit, Al-Saadi, honored the delegation by the University’s Shield. The delegation lauded its appreciation to the university presidency for its hospitality and warm reception.

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