The Rehabilitation and Employment Unit at the College of Languages, in cooperation with the head of the Department of English Language, has organized a scientific symposium entitled (Translation and Labor Market) in the presence of assistant dean, a number of faculty members and students, and the director of the rehabilitation unit. This event aimed to shed light on the most important challenges and difficulties faced by the graduates and prominent ways to overcome them.

This event also included various topics related to translation and acquiring the skills required in the labor market where the lecturers discussed ways of self-development, skills acquisition and keeping pace with the changes in the labor market and its requirements. The lecturer recommended the need to repeat these seminars to spread awareness among students of the college of languages to clarify the requirements of the labor market and motivate them to complete their academic and professional preparations and the need to publish the successful experiences of graduates as a motivation and incentive for other students to extend bridges of trust between the student and the educational institution for the common good for the common good.

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