The assistant rector for administrative affairs, Prof. Dr. Karim al-Tamimi at the University of Baghdad, accompanied by the dean of Al-Khwarizmi College of Engineering, Prof. Dr. Wadood Taher and the director of the Department of Quality Assurance and University Performance at the presidency of the University of Baghdad, Assist. Prof. Dr. Omar Faleh Hassan as well as the director of the Department of Cultural Relations, Dr. Dhifaf Ibrahim have received a delegation from the University of Tabriz in Iran, headed by the rector of the University of Tabriz, Dr. Safar Nasrollahzadeh, and his administrative and scientific affairs for the sake of strengthening mutual relations and scientific cooperation between the two sides.

The visit included a meeting in which the two parties discussed several issues, including joint programs for students of undergraduate studies, enhancing exchange of talks on editorial boards and reviewers of academic journals, as well as establishing joint research teams between the two universities for enhancing the educational reality. This meeting came in accordance with achieving the most important goals, the most important of which is openness to international universities, whether with neighboring countries and other foreign countries in research fields.

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