The Biological Research Unit for Tropical Regions, in cooperation with the Continuing Education Unit at the College of Science, has organized a lecture entitled “Vitamin K2” in the presence of a number of postgraduate students, researchers and those concerned with the pharmaceutical field. The lecture aimed to highlight the vitamin K2, which is one of the fat-soluble vitamins of K family, which consists of vitamin K1 (phylloquinone), K2 (menadione) and K3 as a bacterial product usually found in fermented foods or animal products, and has a protective property on the condensation of minerals in the bones and reduces the risk of hip fractures, verte brae, etc. if combined with vitamin D.

The lecture was presented by Assist. lecturer Noor Al-Huda Sabri who tried to review the benefits of vitamin K2 and its contribution in preventing heart disease and getting rid of Hypercalcemia in the walls of the arteries surrounding the heart and that in blood vessels, indicating its role in strengthening bones when combined with calcium, vitamin D3, and vitamin A in the deposition of calcium in bones and teeth, preventing osteoporosis and building tissues below enamel with osteocalcin protein, stressing that this protein can be found in dairy products, vegetables in general and in a small percentage in eggs, meat, fish, and whole grains.

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