Assist. Prof. Widyan Yassin Obaid, a lecturer from the Department of Sociology at the College of Education for Women, has participated in the activities of the fourth scientific conference sponsored by the Scientific Association for Sustainable Educational Studies entitled (Modern Variables in the Light of Sustainable Development Variables) with a research paper entitled (Education and Sustainable Development Goals: Challenges & Opportunities). The research aimed to identify the sustainable development goals in Iraq and the extent of their achievement, identifying the challenges and dangers facing the sustainable development process in Iraq, and identifying the relationship between education and investment in human capital.

The study reached at a set of recommendations, the most important of which are the provision of financial support and banking facilities and encouraging the private and public sectors for the purpose of encouraging investment, increasing production and creating job opportunities in a way that helps achieve the goals of sustainable development and interest in providing quality health services and education, and emphasizing the global commitment to achieving universal health coverage and integrating the sustainable development plan into national development plans with the need to develop targeted and consistent strategies in this context and involve the private and civil sector in implementation with the launch of a national project It allows the integration of goals and mechanisms and measuring levels of progress in a comprehensive manner based on indicators approved by the United Nations and the development of practical mechanisms to measure them, especially paying attention to educational indicators and the launch of awareness campaigns that support national efforts so as to achieve sustainable development goals targeting towards all segments of the community, including women, youth, individuals with disabilities and the most vulnerable groups with an emphasis on supporting efforts to confront disasters.

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