The Department of Mathematics at the College of Education for Pure Sciences (Ibn Al-Haitham) at the University of Baghdad, in cooperation with the Continuing Education Unit at the College, has organized a training workshop entitled “The Difference between Training and Teaching Mathematics” in which a number of faculty members gave lectures. The workshop aimed to show the difference between education and training in the field of mathematics as being an essential element for all educational subjects, so mathematics teachers must feel responsible and realize the importance of mathematics in creating educational and training prospects for students.

The lecturers stressed on providing teaching through the use of a high degree academic and professional excellence given by experts; identifying the training needs of each educational stage in light of training needs, designing a comprehensive, organized and accurate training plan through which we can determine the procedural steps for implementing programs for training courses for mathematics professors, providing the teacher with all the latest developments in light of the transformations taking place in teaching and learning math at present. They also claimed for organizing training courses for mathematics teachers in the intermediate grade based on modern teaching skills necessary for teaching mathematics or in all fields across the processes of planning, implementation, evaluation and training programs.

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