The Department of Architectural Engineering at the College of Engineering, in cooperation and coordination with the Department of Architectural Engineering at Al-Nahrain University, has organized a workshop for the first grade students entitled: (Abstraction in Architecture: The Experience of Studying and Analyzing Global Buildings and Re-Abstracting Them(, within the framework of cooperation between the departments of architecture in various Iraqi universities and in order to achieve communication and exchange of information and experiences.

The workshop included many events, including a lecture on abstraction in language, drawing, architecture, logo and advertisements that was given by the lecturer Dr. Amar Saleh Ashour and the engineer Aya Furat Muhammad from the University of Baghdad, and then a lecture on some architectural buildings delivered by the professors of Al-Nahrain University, such as Assist. Prof. Dr. Saba Sami, the lecturer Dr. Alia Ahmed and Assist. Lecturer Shatha Salim, where the students were distributed into 14 teams, each team includes students from Al-Nahrain and Baghdad universities, to evaluate their works by the jury and to select the winning teams and distribute prizes for them.

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