The Department of Electronic and Communications Engineering at the College of Engineering has sponsored a series of seminars for undergraduate students to address the most common subjects studied by the students of department in electronics and communication, namely a symposium delivered by the student Sarah Saleh, who present a research project entitled (Channel equalization techniques in MIMO-OFDM systems).

Then the students Najwan Mohammed Research submitted a research entitled (Machine learning based interference mitigation for mmwave communications in 5G networks), Sarah Saad presented a study on the (Spectral and energy efficiency enhancement of cell free massive MIMO) and at last the student Nadine Adnan delivered a research project on the (Mmultiport micrwowave reflectometer for non- distructive testing applications). The supervising committees recommended a research for the students on how to organize time in order to complete their projects by identifying the weaknesses and strengths of the topics submitted by them and directing students to have the field of work of their projects in a way that serves and solves the problems of the local market and urging students to give them the initial concepts that help them publish their research in international containers to raise the status of their college and university in global rankings.

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