The Continuing Education Unit, in cooperation with the Ibn Sina Unit at the College of Pharmacy has sponsored a workshop entitled (Writing Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) Effectively), which was delivered by Assist. Prof. Dr. Manaf Hashim Abdul Razzaq), a faculty member from the Department of Drugs and Toxicology.

During this workshop, a set of conditions that must be met to write MCQ questions correctly and effectively was presented, adding that such type of questions require the student to determine the most correct answer from a set of possible options that are presented to him, as it is necessary that this type of question tests the student’s cognitive capabilities in an effective way and focus on important scientific ideas and information that must be known by the student. In addition to that several important tools were even presented, including the ability to examine the quality and difficulty of questions, and how to identify structural problems in multiple-choice questions. A set of old questions for a number of materials were also presented and the indicators of strength and weakness were reviewed after conducting an analysis of the results of the answers and indicating the possible reasons that lead to failure in identifying the correct answers and possible ways to address such problems.

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