The Department of Accounting Studies at the Postgraduate Institute for Accounting and Financial Studies at the University of Baghdad, under the supervision of the dean of the institute, Prof. Dr. Faihaa Abdullah Yaqoub, has held its scientific symposium entitled (Cognitive and Methodological Foundations in Extracting Digital Indicators for the Statistical Questionnaire Form) that was attended by a number of professors, employees and students.

Assist. Prof. Dr. Mahmoud Ismail Mohammed, a faculty member at the institute has addressed during a lecture the statistical topics of interest to faculty members and postgraduate students and how to employ the statistical curriculum optimally in order to enhance the selection of the best methods used in the statistical aspect. The symposium aimed to identify the method and possibility of the necessary steps to extract digital indicators in the study of accounting phenomena using statistical methods (questionnaire form) manually and programmatically using the computerized statistical program SPSS. The symposium reached at several recommendations, the most important of which is to pay attention to statistical methods and methods of research interest, namely “how to clarify and employ the relationships and influence between the variables of correlation and regression.

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