The Department of Educational and Psychological Sciences at the College of Education for Women, in cooperation with the Quality Assurance Division, has organized a scientific workshop entitled (Towards building an environmental ethical system for university students to achieve Iraq’s vision for the sustainable development goals for 2030) delivered by Dr. Nawal Ibrahim Muhammad. He at first tried to define Iraq’s vision for 2030, including reducing environmental pollution, climate change emissions, efficient use of water resources, developing consumption and production patterns towards environmental sustainability, preserving the environment, addressing environmental problems, protecting biodiversity and reviving the marshes.

Dr. Nawal Ibrahim referred to a number of findings, including the need for environmental education ethics as a practical means to build the required awareness and an effective culture capable of supporting environmental laws and legislation related to preserving the environment, and it became clear to everyone that providing an environmental ethical system through optimal environmental education can constitute a tremendous cultural force, prevent waste in environmental resources, stop the brutal assault on the resources, resisting all unfair measures, nourish the environment’s vital energy to guarantee a healthy life.

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