The Department of Sociology at the College of Education for Women, in cooperation with the Quality Assurance Division, has organized a scientific workshop on (Social Policy and Sustainable Development in Iraq), given by Prof. Dr. Alaa Muhammad Rahim and that was attended by a group of faculty members and students. The workshop aimed to clarify the relationship between the concept of social policy and sustainable development in terms of goals, visions, pillars and points of convergence in building human beings and achieving social justice, and clarifying the relationship between the ideology of society and its impact on drawing up social policy and the various dimensions of sustainable development.

The workshop reached at a set of recommendations, the most important of which is the promotion of scientific research in the field of social issues for its importance in providing decision-makers with the information and data necessary to formulate development plans, with the need to involve civil society as a non-governmental body in formulating the state’s social policy in light of the goals set by international policy and setting priorities for action, including eradicating poverty, reducing unemployment, improving and developing outputs in various fields while restricting inputs by controlling consumption, reducing waste of resources and focusing on the importance of creative thinking.  And innovative for all public institutions, especially educational, and ending political disputes and conflicts in a way that enhances the stability of society and contributes to accelerating the development process and determining who undertakes the implementation of development policies and their merits by setting facilitative directives to facilitate the completion of projects away from administrative obstacles and combating the scourge of corruption in all joints of government and community institutions by various educational and legal means and promoting the spirit of good citizenship.

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