The Department of Quranic Sciences and Islamic Education at the College of Education for Women, has hosted and organized a scientific symposium on (Empowering Women from an Islamic Perspective) that was attended by a group of lecturers, employees and students. This event aimed to shed light on the concept of women’s empowerment in terms of clarifying their legitimate rights, facilitating methods of practicing them, and the role of the media and social media in introducing women’s rights, correcting concepts about the role of women, and educating students towards empowerment that combines originality and modernity.

The symposium reached a set of recommendations, the most important of which is the establishment of special centers for the rehabilitation of women and their awareness of their social, economic and political rights, the protection of women through the development of laws that preserve all their rights and encourage women to have their independent personality and be on an equal footing with men in line with their physical and psychological composition by encouraging them and providing funds through which they can carry out investment work that secures them a decent and safe life and keenness on women’s education. The lecturers stated that educational centers can play a significant role in the elimination of illiteracy and ignorance because education is the first step to reach empowerment and strengthen women and protect them socially by enacting laws that ensure this, including combating violence against women in all its forms because this contributes to correcting the idea that women are weak or that they are unable to protect themselves, so they can be subject to criticism and violence.

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