Assist. Lecturer Mariam Abdul Jabbar, the rapporteur of the Individual Games Branch at the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences for Women has organized a scientific workshop for the students of undergraduate studies entitled (Video Assistant Referee Protocol (VAR)) in which she talked about this term that defines the role played by this technique when providing the referee with a footage independently and has the authority to review television settings, which can help in uncover clear and apparent errors.

The VAR device is considered as a match official with an independent access to match footage and it consists of 3 or 4 referees assisted by a video technician, who must have a common language with each other and with the match referee as well, where their task is limited to quickly reviewing doubtful cases and providing advice to the referee, whether requested or not, but the final decision is for him only, regarding scoring goals, penalties or giving the red card, etc.

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