The Quality Assurance and Performance Evaluation Unit at the Center for Women’s Studies, in cooperation with the Department of Quality Assurance and University Performance at the presidency of the University of Baghdad has organized a scientific symposium entitled “Knowledge Empowerment of Women in Iraq and the Arab Region”. The lecturers provided several perceptions and reached a number of recommendations, including that the challenges facing women’s cognitive empowerment are great and rooted in the society, and it is necessary to start a real step by decision-makers in successive governments in developing a real strategy to eradicate illiteracy, break the restrictions imposed on women in education, especially in rural areas.

They asserted to raise an awareness of the importance of the subject of cognitive empowerment among women in Iraq and the Arab region, and work to intensify workshops and seminars that deal with this matter and study all successful Arab experiences in this regard and to explain the importance of empowering women cognitively and the importance of the diversity and nature of the sources of knowledge provided to girls from a young age and work to reduce the impact of harmful knowledge on children and that schools and childcare homes take responsibility for this awareness with the need to educate parents about the importance of informing them of the sources of knowledge provided to their children and the acquisition of important knowledge and urge the diversification of sources of knowledge and from reliable bodies, especially with the expansion of the use of social media and the Internet and the empowerment of women psychologically is the main goal effectively.

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