The dean of Al-Khwarizmi College of Engineering at the University of Baghdad, Prof. Dr. Wadood Taher Muhammad, and the director of Albar Al-Raheem for Relief and Development, Prof. Dr. Muhammad al-Sarraj, have visited the Student Housing Complex for Female Students at Al-Jadriyah and the Student Housing Complex for the College of Veterinary Medicine at Abu Ghraib, accompanied by the director of the dormitories at the presidency of the University of Baghdad, Assist. Prof. Dr. Muhannad al-Ani. The visit aimed to follow-up the conditions of male and female students resident there, especially before the start of the second semester exams (mid-year) so as to figure out their needs, providing food, some pieces of furniture and tapestries by the deanship and the foundation. During the visit, the dean of the college instructed to provide all necessary supplies for the university students, including heating appliances.

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