The Department of Mechatronics Engineering at Al-Khwarizmi College of Engineering has organized its first scientific symposium on the (Vertical expansion of the specializations of the Mechatronics Department) in cooperation with the Iraqi Society of Engineers. On behalf of the President and members of the Administrative Board of the Iraqi Society of Engineers, the Secretary of the Society and the consulting engineer Abdul Latif al-Jabri delivered an introductory speech and about the objectives of the society, stressing that it is supporting all professors, academics, researchers and engineers.

According to the memorandum of cooperation between the Iraqi Society of Engineers and Al-Khwarizmi College of Engineering, the two parties agreed to establish an international conference, as well as cooperate for the establishment of seminars and courses that may support the engineering staff in the country, strengthen the relationship between the society and other engineering colleges, in addition to supporting the first scientific engineering journal called (Engineer Magazine) that was the first scientific engineering journal issued since 1956 until now to serve Iraqi institutions in governmental and private sectors in alignment with the requirements of the labor market.

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