Assist. Prof. Dr. Hala Haitham Muhammad Ali al-Haidari, a lecturer from the Department of Biology at the College of Science for Women has participated in the training course entitled (Biological Risk Assessment in Laboratories) held in Amsterdam, Netherlands.

The training course, which was sponsored by the US Department of State and Sandia National Laboratories, has included studying the concept of biological risks and how to manage and identify them, as well as evaluating them to reduce risks related to biological agents, whether being toxic and carcinogenic substances, and how to analyze them using three elements (Kaplan and Garrick), sources of biological hazards and methods of risk exposure, risk assessment, considerations for prioritizing biological risks, what is the internal and external threat and comparing them,  risk mitigation, and the estimation of the severity of the likelihood of risks and their consequences. The concepts of the security system and the safety system and the efficiency of each were clarified with an understanding of the evaluation mechanism, the specifications of a good evaluator and the foundations on which it is based to assess biological risks in laboratories. The training course also included the use of the Bioenergy Renewable Auction Mechanism (BioRAM) program, how to enter and analyze data, as well as to determine the probability and consequences ratio for all biological materials in the laboratory.


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