The Department of Crisis Studies at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, the University of Baghdad has recently organized a workshop entitled (The American Near Eastern Agency and its Role in the Yemeni Crisis under President Biden) that was delivered by the Assist. Prof. Dr. Ahmed Abdul Wahed Abdul Nabi. He at first stated that the Middle East Agency has become a complex mater that has undergone a difficult talk as a result of the difficult humanitarian conditions experienced by this afflicted country during the President Joe Biden administration and since the overthrow of the rule of former President Ali Abdullah Saleh to this day.

He added that it is no secret to anyone the magnitude of the Yemeni crisis and its regional and international repercussions, in addition to the humanitarian crisis along with the spread of diseases and epidemics, the state of poverty and destitution, the deterioration of infrastructure and basic services, as well as the victims of this war, as it has reached more than one hundred thousand victims since the start of the war. In addition, the Houthis welcomed these US steps since they are in favor of ending the conflict, not forgetting that the Biden administration has maintained sanctions on some Houthi leaders who considered them a threat to Saudi security in light of the continued launch of ballistic missiles towards the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

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