The Department of Policies and Legislation at the Center for Women’s Studies, has organized a webinar entitled “Women’s Rights in the Constitutions of the Iraqi State between Theoretical Text and Applied Reality” where a number of researchers have participated in, namely: Assist. Prof. Dr. Azhar al-Sheikhly has submitted a research paper entitled (Constitutional treatment of the issue of women in the Iraqi constitution in force), Assist. Prof. Dr. Rabab Khalil Ibrahim al-Dabbagh submitted a paper on (The constitutional rights of Iraqi women in the monarchy: between reality and application), Assist. Prof. Dr. Furat Abdul Hassan Kazim gave a lecture on (Divorce in the Iraqi constitution), the lecturer Dr. Widad Salim Muhammad on (The Iraqi working women under labor laws), Assist. Prof. Dr. Saba Hussein gave a lecturer on (Women’s rights in the constitutions of the Iraqi state).

The symposium has ended with a number of recommendations, such as stressing the need to apply (25%) of legislation concerned with the executive positions, amending the Personal Status Law for not to allow the marriage of minors, increasing the penalty for not registering marriage contracts within the courts, and the need that media, civil organizations and universities should play their roles in educating people towards combating underage marriage and forced marriage, in addition to legislating laws against domestic violence.

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