The Remote Sensing Unit, in cooperation with the Continuing Education Unit at the College of Science, has organized a lecture entitled “Detection of Natural Resources: Groundwater, Oil and Gas” in the presence of a number of students, professors and those concerned with sustainable development. The lecture aimed to explain the GIS application interfaces to create layers and a detailed explanation of their characteristics, and explain the data base file and its characteristics, and how to optimize it to achieve maximum possible results or reduce the cost of alternative opportunities, which reduces its waste and the gross domestic product (GDP), which may negatively affect economic growth.

The lecture was presented by the experienced professor Dr. Saleh Mahdi who discussed the importance of natural resources in the sustainability of the lives of nations and peoples, given their place in building civilizations throughout history, indicating that natural resources are all that nature secures from natural stocks required by human survival or used in building civilizations, such as oil, natural gas, phosphates, mercury, copper, etc. and not to exploit the natural resources, not to harm our environment, enhancing its sustainable development, using GIS applications in the search for resources so as to exploit them optimally.

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