The dean of the College of Science, Prof. Dr. Abdul Karim al-Qazzaz, accompanied by his assistant for student affairs, Assist. Prof. Dr. Amir Faisal Abdul Amir and a number of heads of scientific, administrative and research departments, have visited the Karbala Center for Studies and Research of the General Secretariat of Imam Hussain Holy Shrine, within the framework of the prospects of joint scientific and academic cooperation between the two sides.

They agreed to exchange experiences and enhance cooperation at all research and scientific levels and supervision in postgraduate studies, as well as many other joint research and educational programs, especially cooperation in supporting solid scientific research and publishing them in the college’s journals for the common good. It is noteworthy that the college of science seeks to deepen its academic network with various institutions, embodying the vision of the University of Baghdad in enhancing its presence on the local and international academic arena, which will reflect positively on its career and enhancing the student knowledge and skills.

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