The Information Technology Unit at the College of Languages has organized a scientific symposium entitled (Cybersecurity) in the presence of a number of professors and students with the aim to clarify the meaning of cybersecurity and how to protect ourselves in the digital space, starting from home to work, the most important social damages, presenting statistics of material losses incurred by the commercial sectors annually and the percentage of the number of people around the world who have been exposed to electronic fraud.

The lecturers also included talked about the types of electronic crimes and their most prominent risks, in addition to a practical application to hack a phone. The researchers called for installing protection software, keep updating operating systems, keep backup copies, change the password of the router periodically and not share it with people from outside the family, choose strong passwords, spread awareness among students about the importance of reporting through national security numbers when exposed to electronic blackmail, not sharing the secret numbers of cards and banking sites, disconnecting device from the Internet when feeling danger, the need to track links and not to trust any unknown person in social media.

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