The Teaching Methods Committee at the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences for Women has organized a workshop delivered by Prof. Najla Abbas, Prof. Iqbal Abdul Hussain, Prof. Nihad Mohammed, Prof. Huda Abdul Samie, Assist. Prof. Maysa Nadim and Assist. Lecturer Nadima Badr for the fourth grade students entitled (Practical Education & Field Application of the Fourth Grade Students: Solutions and Problems). They explained the concept of practical education, which is all the different activities that the student teacher gets acquainted with through all aspects of the educational process gradually so that he begins to watch and then begins to bear the duties performed by the teacher until he finally reaches the actual practice of the teacher’s work and fully.

They also explained the most important instructions for practical education for students: commitment to daily working hours and non-absence, commitment to moral and educational ideals and values and transferring a respectful image of our college through the student’s respectful behavior, not to over-grooming because of its impact on conveying an inappropriate image of the applied personality, commitment to sports uniforms with the use of tools for the lesson, participation in the ceremonies of the flag, carrying out daily queuing tasks, participating in extracurricular activities, being very careful to leave a positive impact in accordance with the instructions of the ministry of education, providing all possible support to the school by working on the participation of both teachers and students in group work, such as painting and planning playgrounds.

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