Assist. Prof. Dr. Farah Ghanem Kazim al-Quraishi, a lecturer from the Department of Arabic Language at the College of Education for Women, has participated in the work of the Fourth International Scientific Conference of the Center for the Revival of Arab Scientific Heritage at the University of Baghdad entitled (History of Science among the Arabs) with a research paper entitled: (Symbols of Nature in Contemporary Iraqi Women’s Poetry).

The importance of the research comes from the fact that the collections of Arabic poetry, ancient and modern, were full of describing nature and its multiple manifestations, “represented in its animals, sports, plants, homes, ruins, clouds, light and darkness, confirming that the symbol was employed in contemporary Iraqi women’s poetry for our opinion that “the poetic symbol is a living few of the human world in terms of meaning and significance” by opening the way for poets to approach the manifestations of nature and the relationship of man with nature, a semantic symbol that occupies a large area of human consciousness, including the modern Iraqi poet, especially that he is inspired by the minutes of his memory, which condensed and collapsed in various forms of semantics that produced new symbolic forms in imagination and perception through the use of language as a symbol that nature takes as a creative revelation for him. The lecturer stated that the contemporary Iraqi female poets are interested in nature to express their feelings and the manifestations of nature represented by beauty and femininity of women.

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