The College of Dentistry at the University of Baghdad has organized a continuing education course at the Pediatric Dentistry and Preventive Medicine Branch entitled (Nutrition, oral health care and children’s disorders) in the presence of a number of faculty members in the college. The course aimed to inform the participants about the effect of the habit of dental instrument during the night in children, the harms of this habit, methods of safety and prevention of its risks, as well as identifying the genetic disease in children (Lesch-Nyhan Syndrom).

The course also included a full explanation of the quality of nutrition as it is very important for humans throughout their lives, as well as discussing the risks of night dental instrument in children and genetic disease in children Lesch-Nyhan Syndrom, as well as nutritional considerations in pediatric dentistry and restorative treatment of caries in children’s milk teeth. The course recommended the need to adhere to the development of appropriate clinical guidelines for the treatment and prevention of dental instrument in children and that the treatment of Lesch-Nyhan Syndrom disease depends on the severity of symptoms in patients and that restorative treatment of milk teeth depends on the results of clinical examination and is an ideal part of the overall treatment plan.

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