Assist. Prof. Dr. Athmar Shaker Majeed al-Shatri, the dean of the College of Education for Women, has opened the ceremony in the presence of her assistants, heads and rapporteurs of departments, where she has congratulated the students on the occasion of their admission to the college and the beginning of their new academic year and provided them with a number of important instructions, including the need to adhere to the ministerial controls and instructions for student affairs, stressing that the progress of the study process is represented by commitment to the official working hours and the appropriate uniform at the campus and the mutual respect with their colleagues and professors and adherence to traditions and noble human values and seek to exert perseverance and challenge and develop their study skills in order to win a distinguished academic year characterized by success and pointed to the college’s keenness to provide all needs of scientific and academic requirements and provide appropriate conditions and overcoming any obstacles.

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