The Turkish Maarif School in Baghdad has recently hosted a ceremony honoring the participants in the 4th International Conference on Physics and Advanced Materials (PAM) 2022, which was organized by the department of physics at the college of science of the University of Baghdad, and was held in Istanbul, Turkey, in the presence of the rector of the University of Baghdad, Prof. Dr. Munir Hamid al-Saadi, the dean of the college of science, Prof. Dr. Abdul Karim al-Qazzaz, the rector of Wasit University, the assistant dean of the college of pharmacy and the representative of His Excellency the Minister of Industry.

This event can be considered as a great opportunity for the participants to build cooperation in the fields of scientific research between researchers, and to develop ways of joint cooperation with the European Union countries in obtaining research and training support in the fields of advanced modern applications in physics and materials science. The celebration included an opening speech given by the rector in which he stressed the importance of international scientific conferences, especially in advanced subspecialties, to be an opportunity for researchers of the University of Baghdad to participate in, exchange experiences and publish studies in international journals in order to raise the university’s ranking globally.

Then the dean of the college of science delivered a speech in which he indicated the keenness of the department of physics since the launch of this conference in its first edition in 2019 towards enhancing the quality in receiving research and publishing in sober international journals with a global classification such as Scopus, due to its high scientific reputation locally and globally with the presence of members of scientific committees from all over the world, adding that all research are pre-reviewed by experts. It is noteworthy that the celebration was attended by the assistant dean for scientific and student affairs, the head of the department of physics, a number of heads of departments of the Universities of Technology and Mustansiriya, as well as some graduate students who have participated previously in the gifted conference. At the conclusion of this event, shields and certificates of appreciation were distributed among the participants by the rectors of the Universities of Baghdad and Wasit, the dean of the college of science and his assistants, in addition to handing over a shield of appreciation to the official sponsor of the conference, Prof. Tariq al-Omran.

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