Prof. Dr. Munir Hamid al-Saadi, the rector of the University of Baghdad, has received in his office the Minister of Migration and Displaced, Her Excellency Mrs. Ivan Faiek Jabru, to discuss the issue of the children of ISIS militants and illegal immigration. The two sides discussed these challenges that are facing people in the liberated areas, as well as ways to psychologically rehabilitate them to engage in society, as well as organizing the return of those wishing to their areas of origin.

Her Excellency Mrs. Jabru also called for the conclusion of a memorandum of understanding between the University of Baghdad and the Minister of Migration and Displaced to adopt this topic, stressing its full support for the university’s staff as they are an essential segment to involve them in humanitarian issues. For his part, the rector Dr. Munir al-Saadi also indicated that the memorandum of understanding is based on the contribution of the faculty members who should exert efforts to qualify the children of the ISIS militants to get out of their environment towards a sound environment, engage them in good communities, provide a safe and stable life for them, stressing that the university is always proactive in adopting humanitarian issues, including the illegal immigration.

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